MediaGet Скачать Grass Valley Canopus Edius 6.02 + with bonus disc.torrent
Grass Valley Canopus Edius 6.02 — Обновленная версия
профессиональной программы для обработки не сжатого видео в форматах SD,
HD, HDV, DV, MPEG-2 и MPEG-1 в реальном времени, в распоряжении которой
весь набор современных инструментов для работы с неограниченным
количеством слоев, содержащих аудио, видео данные или эффекты.
О Grass Valley Canopus Edius
Основные возможности программы Grass Valley Canopus Edius:
- Монтаж в реальном времени HD/SD форматов, включая DV, HDV, AVCHD, MPEG-2, Windows Media и QuickTime.
— Гибкий пользовательский интерфейс, неограниченное число треков под видео, звука, титров.
— Монтаж и конвертирование в реальном времени HD/SD форматов (16:9 и 4:3)
— Монтаж и конвертирование в реальном времени видео с разной кадровой частотой 60i, 50i и 24p
— Монтаж и конвертирование в реальном времени видео с разным разрешением 1440x1080, 1280x720 и 720x480
— HD/SD эффекты, кееры, переходы и титры в реальном времени
— Вывод видео по DV в реальном времени напрямик с тайм-линии
— Быстрый экспорт HDV
— Кодирование отдельных сегментов тайм-линии ('Smart Rendering') при
поддержке MPEG и HDV. Функция Segment Encoding значительно сокращает
время затрачиваемое на экспорт проекта, кодируя только отредактированные
и измененные сегменты клипов.
— DVD-авторинг на тайм-линии
— Программная утилита Quick Titler для титрования, работающая в реальном времени
— Multi-камеры, редактирование до восьми всевозможных источников в одно время
— Высокая скорость SD HDV и MPEG-2 экспорта, с поддержкой двухъядерной технологии
— Direct-to-DVD экспорт
— и много другое
Новые возможности Grass Valley Canopus Edius 6:
New features in EDIUS 6 include:
- 10-bit editing support
— 2K/4K resolution support
— Free-shape mask filter
— 16 camera multicam editing
— Proxy mode workflow
— Canon XF format and EOS movie format support
— Exporting in AVCHD format to a media card
Исправления в Grass Valley Canopus Edius 6.02:
Version 6.02 ( Release: 1/24/2011)
[New Features]
— Added support for loading MXF file on SxS card which was recorded by SONY PMW-500.
— Added support for playlist which was output to FTP/HDD(USB) using PLAY LIST EXPORT of AJ-HPM200.
— Added support for timecode acquisition from Picture timing SEI.
— Added support for H.264 hardware encoding utilizing Intel GPU.
[Fixed issues]
— Fixed issue with FA round Gothic TV-b font being crashed in QuickTitler.
— Fixed issue with end timecode of clip thumbnail on source browser displayed being off by one frame.
— Fixed issue with transition between clips being cancelled when performing trim operation with Alt + N/M on timeline.
— Fixed issue with being unable to play back specific MP4 file properly.
— Fixed issue with distorted video when playing back movie in H.264 60p which was shot by Panasonic TM750.
— Fixed issue with crash of EDIUS when specific operation is performed while editing shape with mask filter.
— Fixes issue with being unablel to import specific effect preset file created with EDIUS Pro 5.
— Fixed issue with crash of EDIUS by mouse wheel operations when playing back still image on player.
— Fixed issue with clip on timeline not being grouped.
— Fixed issue with distorted video in the disc created by Disc Burner.
— Fixed issue with being unable to play HQ/HQX file in Windows Media Player when OS is Windows vista 64bit.
— Fixed issue with being unable to change IRE of DV hardware settings to 7.5 in HD project.
— Fixed issue with crash of EDIUS when thumbnail shows specific XDCAM clip on source browser.
— Fixed issue with effect not being reflected when altering the settings of 3DPinP
— Fixed issue with backgournd video of motion menu not being displayed on DiscBurner.
— Fixed issue with created DVD chapter menu not being displayed properly
if style without thumbnail is selected when creating DVD by Disc
— Fixed issue with thumbnail and/or cursor not being displayed properly when creating BD with menu by Disc Burner.
— Fixed issue with error depending on chapter and In/Out position when creating DVD using Disc Burner.
— Fixed issue with not recceiving sound of DVD menu which was created
when video with audio was specified for motion menu to create DVD using
Disc Burner.
— Fixed issue with distorted video when converting it in alpha matte.
— Fixed issue with crash of EDIUS when file is output after installing Sorenson Squeeze 6.5.
— Fixed issue with noise being displayed when applying layouter and mixer track to specific still image file.
— Fixed issue with crash of EDIUS when clip applied to a specific mask filter is scrubbed on timeline.
— Fixed issue with being unable to load specific PSD file properly.
— Fixed issue with being unable to play back Canopus HQ clip captured by
EDIUS Pro in Windows Media player on the environment where EDIUS is
— Fixed issue with crash of EDIUS when placing P2 AVCIntra clip on timeline and exporting it in P2 DVCPROHD format.
— Fixed issue with being unable to transfer animation created by TitleMotionPro.
— Fixed issue with unused file not being deleted when executing Consolidate.
— Fixed issue with error message not being shown even if failing to
perform file delete from context menu against clip registered in Bin.
— Fixed issue with crash of EDIUS when playing back sequence clip after
applying speed-change of time effect to the sequence clip.
— Fixed issue with crash of EDIUS when appplying time remap to sequence clip.
— Fixed issue with [Pinning/Line/Bezier] in context menu of key frame not working.
— Fixed localizing display in multilingual environment.
Состав пакетного решения Grass Valley Canopus Edius 6.02:
- Grass Valley Canopus Edius 6.02 (DVD)
Полная версия популярного редактора
— Bonus disc for Grass Valley Canopus Edius 6
Set of plugins for Edius 6 includes: ProDAD Vitascene Mercalli, iZotope,
NewBlue Essentials. Plugins extend the palette of special effects video
and audio content. Proverina efficiency.
ВНИМАНИЕ: это только обновление (если у вас не стоят эти плагины, то
будет требовать серийник, если уже стоят, то просто обновятся)
Общая информация:
Название: Grass Valley Canopus Edius 6.02
Категория: soft
Год выпуска: 2011
Активация|рег код: присутствует
Язык Интерфейса: английский
Формат файла: rar
Платформа/ОС: Windows XP / Vista / Seven
Оф. сайт:
Размер файла: 2.4 Gb / 133 MB
Скачать Grass Valley Canopus Edius 6.02: 2.4 Gb
Скачать Bonus disc for Grass Valley Canopus Edius 6 : 133 MB
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