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ARO 2011 Portable
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Программа ARO 2011 создана для сканирования, идентификации, очистки и исправления ошибок в реестре Windows с помощью одного клика. ARO 2011 можно чистить и исправлять нежелательный мусор, оставленный рекламным и шпионским ПО. Этот инструмент очень мощный, но простой в использовании, и будет держать ваш компьютер в работе "как новый". ARO 2011 проверяет 12 важных частей реестра. Она может выявлять и исправлять ошибки, которые могут замедлить работу системы. Для обеспечения максимальной безопасности ARO 2011 включает резервное копирование. Продвинутые пользователи могут выбрать, какие части реестра нужно обработать.

ARO 2011 может помочь вам, если:
-Ваш компьютер и интернет внезапно замедляется.
-Вы не можете удалить некоторые программы с вашего компьютера.
-Один из ваших программ работали вчера, но не сегодня.
-Приложения перестали работать после установки нового оборудования / программного обеспечения.
-Ваша система не работает так, как раньше.
-При попытке выключить компьютер, он держит звуковой сигнал снова и снова.
-Ваш компьютер не загружается, должным образом!

Get ARO 2011 for top PC performance results. Clean and fix* your PC registry problems now!

Help keep your PC operating smoothly by using ARO 2011 to scan, identify, clean and repair errors in your Windows registry with a single click. ARO 2011 can clean and repair unwanted debris left behind by adware and spyware. This top-rated registry tool is extremely powerful, yet easy to use, and will keep your computer operating in "like new" fashion. ARO 2011 scans 12 important parts of the registry. It can identify and correct errors that can slow your system down or, cause it to behave erratically, crash or hang. For maximum safety, ARO 2011 includes Backup and Undo functionality for any change. Advanced users can select which parts of the registry to operate on.

In ARO 2011 you'll find the added ability to cleanup junk on your PC and analyze your system's security. Junk cleanup will remove temporary files, bad shortcuts, memory dumps, temporary internet files, among other things. This will help aid in improving PC performance while keeping your PC clean. The PC Security analysis will check to see if your Antivirus, Antispyware, and Firewall are properly installed and providing the best security possible. ARO 2011 will check each one of these areas and let you know if it needs attention or not.

ARO 2011 continues to provide the abilitiy to truly tweak Windows for improved PC performance. We have included a set of specific registry tweaks that allow you the ability to improve startup times, application performance and general PC performance during normal use. While overall improvement may vary, users who are constantly managing large amounts of media such as pictures, music or movies could see the biggest improvement. Here are the tweaks that we have included in ARO 2011 which we believe will have the biggest impact for you:

Improve NTFS performance
The time stamps for "last accessed" files and folders are updated by Windows on a regular basis and this can consume vital processor cycles. Checking this tweak can help improve performance on NTFS system, as this disables the time stamp activity. Users who have large quantities of media such as pictures and music on their PC will find this tweak extremely useful as those files tend to be used and updated more often.

Improve Core Operating System Kernel Performance
Drivers that are seldom used and additional system code are normally stored in the physical RAM on a users' PC. By default Windows is limiting the performance of applications by reducing the amount of physical memory available for use. By optimizing kernel performance your PC will now store this unused information on the disk when it is not being used.

Increase CPU Priority
It is the Windows default to evenly split CPU priority among applications. To improve application performance you can use this tweak to give priority to the application you are actively using.

Increase maximum CPU threads
When the system load is high the amount of CPU threads is limited by Windows. Utilizing this tweak increases the maximum thread count and helps improve PC performance during peak usage.

Speed Up windows startup
Normally Windows startup files are spread out across your hard-disk which increases the amount of time it takes the PC to read them in order for Windows to startup. By moving all of the startup files into a contiguous cluster on your hard-disk you’ll decrease the time it takes Windows to startup.

ARO 2011

Get ARO 2011 for top PC performance results. Clean and fix* your PC registry problems now!

Help keep your PC operating smoothly by using ARO 2011 to scan, identify, clean and repair errors in your Windows registry with a single click. ARO 2011 can clean and repair unwanted debris left behind by adware and spyware. This top-rated registry tool is extremely powerful, yet easy to use, and will keep your computer operating in "like new" fashion. ARO 2011 scans 12 important parts of the registry. It can identify and correct errors that can slow your system down or, cause it to behave erratically, crash or hang. For maximum safety, ARO 2011 includes Backup and Undo functionality for any change. Advanced users can select which parts of the registry to operate on.

In ARO 2011 you'll find the added ability to cleanup junk on your PC and analyze your system's security. Junk cleanup will remove temporary files, bad shortcuts, memory dumps, temporary internet files, among other things. This will help aid in improving PC performance while keeping your PC clean. The PC Security analysis will check to see if your Antivirus, Antispyware, and Firewall are properly installed and providing the best security possible. ARO 2011 will check each one of these areas and let you know if it needs attention or not.

ARO 2011 continues to provide the abilitiy to truly tweak Windows for improved PC performance. We have included a set of specific registry tweaks that allow you the ability to improve startup times, application performance and general PC performance during normal use. While overall improvement may vary, users who are constantly managing large amounts of media such as pictures, music or movies could see the biggest improvement. Here are the tweaks that we have included in ARO 2011 which we believe will have the biggest impact for you:

Improve NTFS performance
The time stamps for "last accessed" files and folders are updated by Windows on a regular basis and this can consume vital processor cycles. Checking this tweak can help improve performance on NTFS system, as this disables the time stamp activity. Users who have large quantities of media such as pictures and music on their PC will find this tweak extremely useful as those files tend to be used and updated more often.

Improve Core Operating System Kernel Performance
Drivers that are seldom used and additional system code are normally stored in the physical RAM on a users' PC. By default Windows is limiting the performance of applications by reducing the amount of physical memory available for use. By optimizing kernel performance your PC will now store this unused information on the disk when it is not being used.

Increase CPU Priority
It is the Windows default to evenly split CPU priority among applications. To improve application performance you can use this tweak to give priority to the application you are actively using.

Increase maximum CPU threads
When the system load is high the amount of CPU threads is limited by Windows. Utilizing this tweak increases the maximum thread count and helps improve PC performance during peak usage.

Speed Up windows startup
Normally Windows startup files are spread out across your hard-disk which increases the amount of time it takes the PC to read them in order for Windows to startup. By moving all of the startup files into a contiguous cluster on your hard-disk you’ll decrease the time it takes Windows to startup.

ARO 2011 deep-scans 12 broad categories
Active X OLE COM Sections
User Software Settings
System Software Settings
Shared DLL's Section
Fonts Section
Invalid File Associations
Run Sections
Sound and Applets
Uninstall Section
Help Section
Virtual Device Drivers and Services
Application Paths Section

Safety Features
Backup and Undo Functionality
Ability to jump directly to the registry in order to verify all entries from ARO 2011
Detailed date and time log for tracking what changes were made to the registry.

Easy and Safe
ARO 2011 quickly cleans and optimizes your PC's windows registry.

Home: www.sammsoft.com
Size: 6.62 MB

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Мы несомненно рады, что все-таки именно вы зашли к нам на сайт Popular and New, для того чтобы скачать следующий файл "ARO 2011 Portable". Приятно знать, что кто-то ищет файлы, которые есть у нас на сайте. Интересно также то, что сейчас файлы качает не только молодое, но и более старшее поколение. Среди особо разыскиваемых файлов, наиболее интересной категорией является софт, т.е. програмное обеспечение, именно новые версии программ скачивают больше всего. Но не менее интересными остаются также разделы: игры (это то что позволит вам отдохнуть и оторваться от серых будней), фильмы (у каждого есть любимые фильмы молодости, которые были шедеврами, которые так и хочется пересмотреть), музыка (многогранный мир, который отображает состояние души, музыка это для каждого что-то свое...). Каждый найдет что-то свое и скачает то что нужно.
Категория: Софт | Просмотров: 1001 | Добавил: sandreasiv| Рейтинг: 0.0/0
Теги: Portable, ARO, 2011

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