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eMule Xtreme 7.0 Final
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eMule Xtreme 7.0 Final

eMule Xtreme - Этот мул имеет экстремальный подход к закачке - сначала он качает потихоньку, как все и собирает силы. Потом резко начинает качать с очень высокой скоростью, а потом - опять потихоньку. Эта система реализована для того, чтобы серверы не банили вас, когда вы качаете с большой скоростью.

eMule Xtreme is running under Microsoft Windows 98 and higher

Main Features:
- Maella Bandwidthcontrol, caculates the real Overhead
- NAFC (network adapter feedback control)
- advanced Uploadbandwidththrottler with adjustable slotspeed
- Xtreme Downloadmanager for a clever source-handling
- improved Xtreme-Creditsystem
- Powerrelease with dynamic Hide OS
- IP to country - show country-flags
- Dynamic Leecher Protection (DLP)
- Multi-threaded disc access with threading-queue
- Universal plug and play support (UPNP) for routers
- hundrets of code improvements


Adjustable slotspeed
you can select your prefered slotspeed from 1.5 kbs to X. X depends how great is your uploadlimit, higher uploadlimit -> higher possible slotspeed. Max slotspeed is 10kbs.

The amount of slots are minimum ceil(uploadlimit/slotspeed), but new slots can be opened if the automatic slotcontrol want a new slot.
how this automatic works is easy to explain:
the upload is spread over all uploading clients in "full-mode". If one client can't take what you want to give the other clients get more. Now if the slotspeed of any client is 20% over the wanted, the next trickle-client becomes a full-client, if there is no trickle left, a new slot is beeing opened.
you can disable this automation at Xtreme-Setting: Open more slots if needed

Xtreme Downloadmanager
- you can manually drop FullQueue and NoNeeded-sources
- dropped sources will be rejected for 50 minutes
- also there is an automatic drop-function, which drops FullQueue and NoNeeded-sources
- additionally after 1,5 houers Xtreme begin to drop HighQR sources, if you don't have credits at them and they are over the average Querank
- you can swap manually A4AF-sources without the risk to get banned (Xtreme swaps only if it is allowed)

Xtreme Full Chunk
- it always transfers whole blocks (1 block = 180 kb)
- it transfers at least 2 MB. After reaching this 2,5 MB, Xtreme looks at the chunkboarder. Now when Xtreme see the client has finished one chunk the upload will be cancelled
- maximum transfer is like official: 9.32 MB

Detect files already downloaded
Shows a warning if a file with the same name or same hash has been already downloaded.

Downloaded History
Shows a list with all known files. You find this list at shared files

Process prio
you can select the process-priority of Xtreme. This is the same if you select it via task-manager. Recommend: Above normal

Show requested files
- from every list you can get to this menu via rightclick on a client. It shows which other files you want from this client.

Static server handling
- this option you can find at the server-settings. It prevent that static servers are deleted.

- it bans bad mods which are identified by bad Tags or bad modnames
- it also bans clients with too many failed downloadsessions.
- additionally you can ban clients where the username points to a bad client.
- additionally you can ban ghost mods. These are mods which sending mod-specific Tags but no mod-identification-string

Friendhandling from all windows
- from every list you can add/remove a client to friendlist and give it a friendslot

IP to country
- see which country the clients are from

Colour LowID-clients
- the background of client-version from LowId clients is painted yellow

- only avaiable for complete files:
- increased release-prio: if transfered <100MB or < 1.5 of filesize, very very high Prio, otherwise very high prio
- dynamic hide overshares: start with hideos=1, after 2/3 of the chunks are hidden, hideos will be increased

Chunk Selection Patch
- little improvement to find the rarest chunk

Show AVGQR instead of remaining-time
- instead of remaining-time of a file you see the average Queue position

See own credits
- at client-details you can see how many credits (the modifier) you have at the other client
- in downloadlist clients where you have credits are marked with a yellow symbol

SLS (save load sources)
- your last sources are written to disk, after restarting the mod you don't have to search them again

Reask sources after IP change
- after emule detected a new client-IP, it inform all you sources immediately of your new IP. So you don't loose any waiting position
- remark: it only works if you connect to a server after IP-change!

Faster Updating of Queuelist
- the updating of your waiting-queue is much faster than official code

Dynamic IP-filters
- clients which cause emule exceptions are filtered for 12 hours

Allow Bandwidth Settings in <1KB
- you can set your upload/downloadlimits more exactly, e.g. 14.4 kbs
- also works with webinterface

Improved anti-failed uploadsessions
- only clients get into upload which where seen the last 30 minutes
- only clients get into upload which are using the ed2k protocol in the right way
- if Xtreme fails to connect to an uploading client, this client get an uploadslot on its reconnect to you (second chance)

Maella Bandwidthcontrol
- accurate measure of bandwidth: eDonkey data + control, network adapter
- included are the TCP + UDP-header, the ACK-packtes, the blockpackage-header

NAFC (Network adapter Feedback Control)explanation by Maella:

- at the statistic-options you can select if you want to see a smooth or accurate graph
- you can zoom the graph

Don't remember unused AICH-hashes
- at the file settings you will find "remember unused AICH-hashes"
- if this option is disabled at next mod-start all unused AICH-hashes of known2.met are deleted, but your downloadhistory (known.met) is untouched

Retry falied TCP connections
- if this option is selected you need more connections and half opend connections, but you loos 10% - 30% less sources, good especially when you are downloading rare files

One queue per file (multiqueue)
- if this option is enabled your upload is spread over all shared files
- remark: if this option is used, it makes no sence to give rare files a higher uploadpriority. Therefore Autouploadriority sets alle files to "normal"
- QueueOverflow with Minimumcontingent
For each file you share, a minimum amount of clients are always allowed to get on your uploadqueue.
The minimumcontingent per file is calculated: queuesize/sharedfiles/2
e.g.: queusize=2000, sharedfiles=20 --> minimumcontingent per file= 50
This means, if uploadqueue is full and a client is asking for a file with less than 50 clients are on uploadqueue, the client is allowed to get on queue.
- amount based 1:3 Ratio if upload <11 kbs
This feature is simular to zz-ratio. If your upload is set to less than 11 kbs, you don't have a downloadlimit until reaching a ratio of 1:3. After reaching this ratio, your limits are like at the official emule.
If your upload is set >=11kbs, you don't have any limitation.
- See OnUploadqueue
At the shared filelist panel you see now how many clients are on your uploadqueue for each file.
(Modder: this feature is needed for the new Queueoverflow)

More feature:
- reconnect Kad on IP-change
- askfordownload priority first ask the sources which are most urgent (TAG: //Xman askfordownload priority )
- Maella Smart Low ID check
- save second sort criterion for downloadlistcontrol
- menu-entry in searchlist->mark as cancelled which allow you to mark a file
- Reload shared files on filenotfound exception
+ hundrets of more internal code improvements

Explanation of the icons:
It's very easy because the icons are self-explanatory.
Yellow Icons --> client has credits (at downloadqueue: you have credits at this client)
blue Icons --> clients without credits

Размер: 6.82 МБ

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Мы несомненно рады, что все-таки именно вы зашли к нам на сайт Popular and New, для того чтобы скачать следующий файл "eMule Xtreme 7.0 Final". Приятно знать, что кто-то ищет файлы, которые есть у нас на сайте. Интересно также то, что сейчас файлы качает не только молодое, но и более старшее поколение. Среди особо разыскиваемых файлов, наиболее интересной категорией является софт, т.е. програмное обеспечение, именно новые версии программ скачивают больше всего. Но не менее интересными остаются также разделы: игры (это то что позволит вам отдохнуть и оторваться от серых будней), фильмы (у каждого есть любимые фильмы молодости, которые были шедеврами, которые так и хочется пересмотреть), музыка (многогранный мир, который отображает состояние души, музыка это для каждого что-то свое...). Каждый найдет что-то свое и скачает то что нужно.
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